Jennifer Adams, Executive Director
Marian Fontana, President
Lee Ielpi, Vice President
John Scibilia, Treasurer
Board Members
Steve Buscemi
Howard Cash
Beth Dannhauser
William Goldfeder
Rosalie Joseph
Richard Kennedy
Laurence Levy
Cristyne Nicholas
Marc Silberberg
Dennis Smith
Lynn Tierney
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 3 years since that horrible day, but time has a way of slipping by. We here at the September 11th Families’ Association have been working towards achieving our mission and continuing our efforts to promote the theme “Never Forget “. The September 11th Families’ Association moved into our new offices at 22 Cortlandt Street in January of 2004. We have found a kind and loving environment to continue our work in. On the 20th floor, there is a window that looks out onto the World Trade Center site below. This window has provided both inspiration and comfort to many of us who work in this office. While looking out this window in March of this year, at all of the visitors down below, our Executive Director Jennifer Adams and I fastened our eyes on an empty storefront on Liberty Street and began to dream. We conceived of a visitors’ center to receive the thousands of people who annually visit the WTC site.
We began asking questions, and receiving positive comments from everyone. Our inquiries continued. All voices supported our dream of the Tribute Visitors’ Center. After positive meetings with the Governor and the Mayor as well as other elected officials, we applied for, and received a matching grant from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to construct Tribute. We are in the midst of reaching out to all of those who were affected by 9/11 including family members, downtown businesses and residents, and those who worked or volunteered during the recovery effort at the site. We believe that Tribute can provide solace for many while educating others.
The September 11th Families’ Association has overcome many hurdles. This work is a work of love, and we will remain steadfast in our endeavor. The World Trade Center memorial complex will be completed in 2009. We hope the Tribute Center will become an interim center for the 9/11 community, and its benefits a testament to those that were lost. The public at large who come here for many reasons will learn of the events of February 26, 1996 and September 11, 2001. They will be able to take home a clearer understanding of the events that took place at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in the skies over Shanksville, Pa. They will understand the spirit of those who volunteered to work in the aftermath during the rescue and recovery efforts. They will understand the grief and heartache of the victims’ family members. They will be reminded of the resolve felt by millions of people worldwide to “Never Forget.”
Our dream will now become a reality. On December 17, 2004 we signed our lease and soon, the construction of “Tribute” will be underway. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all that have helped us come this far, if it were not for you we would not be here today.
Lee Ielpi
Vice President
September 11th Families Association Programs
Tribute Visitors’ Center Family Communication
How We Started
The September 11th Families’ Association was created by family members who lost loved ones in 2001 to voice many of the unprecedented needs arising from September 11th. Fighting for the dignified recovery of our loved ones, we encouraged families to join hands and unite.
Today and Tomorrow
Family groups united under the platform of support provided by the September 11th Families’ Association to distribute information over web sites, emails and newsletters. Joined in a common goal to share information, families have found strength in working together. Today our commitment continues and broadens as needs arise.
The Association is a founding organization of the Coalition of 9/11 Families. The Coalition advocates for our families position on the WTC memorial to appropriately represent September 11th and recognize the importance of preserving the final resting place of our loved ones. Association officers serve on the LMDC Family Advisory Council advising on development of the WTC memorial. We are dedicated to ensuring a proper and fitting memorial is built in honor of our loved ones and America.
Working with elected officials, businesses and agencies, the Association is committed to serve as a trusted resource and a dedicated, effective advocate for families. While maintaining our current programs and communication among families, we look forward to continuing to serve as a representative voice.
The Association is developing a long-term platform to bridge the experiences of the 9/11 community, creating a tremendous resource to build upon for the future. The Tribute visitors’ center will serve to further our mission on a broader level, uniting the September 11th community.