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The September 11th Families’ Association supports victims of terrorism through communication, representation and peer support. Our mission is to unite the September 11th community, present evolving issues, and share resources for long-term recovery.
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The American Red Cross, which has taken in more than $1 billion in Sept. 11 donations, is ending some programs that have given $178 million primarily to victims’ relatives before it phases out most of its Sept. 11 programs next year, a spokesman said.
“This is part of our exit strategy of moving services into the communities where people directly affected by 9/11 live and work,” Red Cross spokesman Jeffrey Hon said.
The Red Cross stopped taking applications on Dec. 30 for some of the programs that it directly administered, and by the end of 2007 it is expected to have transferred its funds to some of the more than 100 nonprofits that provide counseling, health and educational services. The Red Cross is one of the largest charities to provide help to families, rescue workers and residents affected by the 2001 terrorist attacks.
The programs being discontinued by the Red Cross include the Supplemental Gift program, which gave $55,000 payments to each of the more than 3,000 estates of Sept. 11 victims and to some of the most severely injured. The agency also gave $9.5 million to more than 800 people who were disabled or demonstrated financial difficulty and $2.6 million to social work services for hundreds of people.
For more information, please visit www.redcross.org/september11/help.
The Tribute Center is a visitor and learning center that will open in Spring 2006. Located at 120 Liberty Street in New York across the street from the World Trade Center site, Tribute is a place where visitors can learn about the events of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001. Through the voices of many individuals in the exhibitions and programs, Tribute will inform, educate and provide a place for reflection.
The Tribute Center embodies the need to gather at the World Trade Center site, connect with the people, places and events of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001, and reflect.
The mission of the Tribute Center project is to create an immersive interaction for visitors who flock to the World Trade Center site to try and find a connection between themselves and the experience. People are motivated to come to the site for different reasons. There are as many reasons as there are people who come. The motivations include: to pay their respects, to see the devastation first hand, to pay homage to the rescue workers, survivors and the families, to relive the event, to remember a past visit, to witness history and some come to finally lay it to rest and place it behind them. Some are coming to walk the site alone, some are thirsty for information. All have some things in common: a motivation, an expectation (though they may all be different), and a will to get there.
The Tribute Center grew out of the need to respond to the desire of people to come to the site. It grew out of the desire of families and those closely affected by 9/11 to share the story of the people, the day, the actions, the heroism, the courage, the loss, and the grief. It came from a realization that history is being written every day and in order to share the individual stories with people who have come seeking enlightenment and personal contact there as a need to create an organization and a physical point of origin so that the needs of those coming to learn could be aligned with the need of those willing to share.
The Tribute Center is a project of the September 11th Families Association. The Association realized the need to provide information to the thousands of visitors who gather at the World Trade Center site each day. Tribute will serve as a place to welcome visitors until the World Trade Center Memorial is completed in 2009.
On September 9, 2005 the Tribute Center launched the Volunteer Guide Program to provide tours of the World Trade Center site by specially-trained guides who were directly impacted by the attacks on September 11th, including survivors, family members who lost loved ones, local residents and business owners, employees of former World Trade Center companies, firefighters, police and recovery workers. The first guided walk was given by Tania Head, a survivor who escaped on September 11th and Lee Ielpi, a retired firefighter who lost his son Jonathan Ielpi on September 11, 2001.
The goal of the program is to provide a connection for visitors to the people and events of September 11th. The program creates a positive vehicle for members of the impacted groups to channel energy towards a living, real time dialogue about the events of 9/11 thereby increasing awareness and hopefully instilling determination among those who visit the site to insure it never happens again.
For a copy of the full press release, please click here.
To volunteer for the Tribute Center guide program, visit www.tributenyc.org.
Firefighters from Milano & Sondrio Italy visit on Sept. 11, 2005
On the fourth anniversary of September 11th firefighters from around the world came to show their solidarity and support of the families who lost loved ones and the FDNY. Firefighters from the cities of Milano and Sondrio in Italy came to remember and present a heartfelt remembrance to their friends and fallen brothers. Many of these firefighters have come every year on the anniversary to show their support and dedication to help New York recover. As retired FDNY firefighter Lee Ielpi walked the firefighters around the World Trade Center site their eyes welled up with emotion. The September 11th Families Association extends our deepest appreciation to these men who traveled thousands of miles to stand with us on September 11, 2005. Support from around the world continues to help honor and remember the thousands of beautiful lives who were so tragically cut short.